Saturday, January 31, 2009

10 Reasons Why You Should Not Switch To Linux

Now here is an interesting article. We, the Linux community, completely understand if you don't want to use Linux and are completely at ease with using Windows. As a matter of fact, here are 10 reasons why you should not switch over to Windows.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Why Should I Use Linux???

This is probably the most asked question in the world of Open Source.
I came across an interesting article. Follow the link:

Downloading Complete

Finally downloaded and burned the ISO. Currently using the Live CD.

Sometimes the GUI looks better than Windows or even, Mac. I have been using Fedora 9 in the past. So I am still adjusting.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Ubuntu - Linux For Human Beings

I am still downloading the ISO.

I haven't used Ubuntu in the past. So I wish to document my day-to-day experience with the OS on this blog.
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