Saturday, February 21, 2009

Python Is Awesome

Is Python simple? Following is a programmes (Yes, complete programme) to find sum of two numbers and to print the string "Hello, world". Read the 5 lines and you be the judge.

print c
print "Hello, world"

Why learn Python? Read on:

Saturday, February 7, 2009

My Programming Histroy

print [Hello World]

This simple statement is used to print the most famous string of programming world in LOGO. And it is significant for me because it is one of the first programming instruction I ever learnt. LOGO, inspired by LISP, is the first programming language which we were taught in the 2nd standard in school. I know its a simple language, but what else do you expect 8 years old to learn? I fell in love with computers the first time I saw one (And that might be because the cutest girl in out class sat in the next to me in the computer lab). The LOGO programmes were small and simple. And hence we had lots of extra time in the lab. Being the introvert I once was, I started experimenting with the damn machines. And gradually stated writing some totally useless codes. (Of course, I was punished for not sticking to the curriculum, but the joy of doing something new is much more than the pain of being punished. The introvert felt humiliated, but the programmer rejoiced). And with that began my thryst with codes and programmes.

After LOGO, we were taught BASIC. It was more complex than LOGO and hence more interesting. Now I began doing crappier and more useless stuffs with BASIC. Learning BASIC had another advantage though. It made C/C++ easy (which I am learning now at college. I also learnt a little bit of Perl last year.)

BASIC was followed by LOTUS 1-2-3, a spreadsheet program, which I never liked because there were better softwares (ahem... MS Excel...) out there, which were easier and colourful (I was 14 at that time. Kids like colours.)

This was followed by DOS, Windows 95/98 and ya... of course... MS Paint. An aunt in the neighbourhood (Was she crazy?) taught me basic HTML and Javascript.

After High School, I started using Fedora 3 and Red Hat 9. (Just to appear cool and geeky.) That started my love for Linux and OSS. And the love is the reason this blog exists.

P.S. Apart from the C/C++, which we are being taught at college, I am also trying to learn Perl and Python by myself. We will be taught JAVA in the 7th semester, I think.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Cheat Code : vi Spell Check

We all love the spell-check feature of MS Word, don't we? And we certainly won't be complaining if we come across any such feature on vi. Try the following command out in the command-mode in vi:

: w !spell -b

It would list the misspelt words, if any.
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